The Hub
Lately, it has become very hard for me to prepare projects I have worked on to display on my website or all in the other social media portals. Finally, I got a chance to put together all the projects I have worked on for FK latest initiative The Fire Hub.
The most important goal is to give back to the community. The project will accomplish this goal via multiple programs. First, the rear section of the building will house a food pantry in conjunction with the Food Bank of South Central Michigan, distributing food from shelves to those less fortunate. Secondly, farmable land adjacent to the building will be cultivated and Hoop Houses purchased to grow food, with a goal of providing a free salad bar for downtown schools in Battle Creek! Third is the creation of a fund to support local charities, with 80% of all restaurant profits and an allocation of 50 cents from every restaurant check providing the monies. The remaining 20% of profits will be reinvested in the property.
The Hub Brand stays true to the FK brand but at the same time creates its own identity through some edgy graphics elements. I love working on brand identities from the first stages and see how they evolve thru time. The Hub brand is fun, enthusiastic, and earthy.